IWB, Paddle & Specialty Holsters

Original Cross Draw Driving / Riding Leather Gun Holster
The MODEL OTP-RL23S is a leather or suede lined "Driving Holster" with a snap stud...
$84.95... more info
Cross Draw Driving / Riding Leather Gun Holster Fixed Loop
The MODEL OTP-RL23SFL is a leather holster which is a suede or leather lined "Driving...
$73.95... more info
Ankle Strap Conceal Carry Leather Gun Holster
Here at OTP we strive to offer our customers a product that is made of outstanding quality,...
$69.95... more info
Conceal Carry Leather Gun / Pistol Paddle Holster
We bring to you the classic paddle type holster for easy removal and placement back into the belt....
$94.95... more info
Conceal Pro Leather Paddle Holster
The Conceal Pro Paddle Holster is made of genuine leather and utilizes a two piece paddle...
$98.18... more info
1997 FACE OFF Castor Troy Double S.O.B. Small of Back Holster
AVAILABLE FOR MOST HANDGUN PAIRINGS This item we are offering is a holster like the holster made...
$144.95... more info
Double S.O.B. Small of the Back / IWB In the Waistband Holster
The model OTP-RLDIP - IWB Holster is a combination of a Double Small of the Back...
$129.95... more info
IWB Covert C-Force Leather Concealment Inside The Pants Holster
The C-Force inside the pants concealment pistol belt holster is made of genuine leather and...
$70.13... more info