Your Western Lifestyle Store

WHITE'S Handmade Boots

The White's Boots Legacy—Since 1853 A Western Legend The White’s Boots legacy has been in service to the relentless spirit of the American worker, whose labor has helped the legend of our boots grow from the Pacific Northwest to those around the world. The Legend of White's Boots As the legend goes, Edward White established a one man shoe shop in Connecticut before the Civil War. He was the first of three generations of boot makers to span from 1853 to 1972—a remarkable feat for a family business in America. Edward never dreamed the ‘White boot’ would soon be a source of pride to lineman and log drivers and smoke-jumpers in the Pacific Northwest. His only dream was to make a good boot and get paid for it. There is a whole lot more to the story but we only have so much room to do so. The White's Boots product names reflect the impact White's Boots has had on a Multitude of Trades. Examples: Line Scout, Crew Boot, Sawyer, Millwright, Logger, Mule Packer, Tracker, Frontiersman, Smoke-Jumper, Farmer Rancher, Stockman, Cutter, Packer, Lineman, Smoke Chaser, Fire Hybrid, Journeyman, Millwood, Chore Boot these are just some of the trades White's Boots has custom constructed boots for since 1853. Let me close out by saying when a Cowboy asked to be buried with his boots on they were probably his White's Boots, they are the last pair of boots you will ever need with their rebuild-ability and when they break in they fit like no other boot.
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